About Us
Pninim’s Location
Situated on the Neve campus in Har Nof, Pninim Seminary has beautiful grounds with manicured gardens and stunning vistas of Yerushalayim. Our small and cozy seminary offers a homelike atmosphere where every girl is noticed, cherished and looked after.
Self-sufficient in all the ways that count, Har Nof has supermarkets, restaurants, pizza shops, ice cream parlors, money changers, a pharmacy and a hardware store. At the same time, we are just a short bus ride away from anywhere you need to go.

Pninim’s Meal Plans
From day one till graduation, Pninim takes responsibility for each and every meal, three meals a day, Shabbos and Yom Tov included.
We also offer hot drinks, snacks and fruit to ensure that home away from home feeling.
If pre-scheduled programs or in-house meals for Shabbosos and Yomim Tovim aren’t on the docket, each student has the mobility to arrange her own meals or to request that we take care of the arrangements for her.
Meet the Faculty
Where Faculty Becomes Family
Both our devoted Aim HaBayits, Mrs. Malka Dunner and Mrs. Marla Sklar, are available for every student’s needs, personal or school-related.
Our mechanchos form a close kesher with the students, as well. They are accessible for any requirement whether b’ruchni or b’gashmi.
Pninim’s classes are primarily discussion based to give every girl the opportunity to focus solely on her growth in Yiddishkeit without the distracting pressure of grades.
Thanks to our outstanding group of teachers, not only do you receive a stellar education, you get to witness these spiritual guides living the values they teach.
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Office Staff
Her unflagging energy, upbeat demeanor, incredible devotion and astute insight, create the trust and happiness in a dorm setting.
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I am Mrs Sklar, the morning Aim Bayit at Pninim Seminary. My introduction to Pninim was as a proud parent of two Pninim graduates.
As Aim Bayit for the last 10 years (and counting!), my role is to take loving care of the students, keep track of their attendance, and help them when they are sick. I help them navigate the Israeli medical system and I am always available in a medical emergency if it should arise- Chas V’shslom. All of us on staff have the unique pleasure of watching our students grow in their maturity, and in their commitment to Torah and Mitzvas. It’s a privilege to be part of their process.
The best part of my job is to play the role of Mommy/Bubby when their own families are so far away. The worst part of my job is saying goodbye at the end of the school year. Our home in RBS is always open to all Pninim students; present students and students from previous years. So we never really have to say goodbye.
Full of spirit and energy and always on the go, Mrs Friedman’s precision, exuberance, and tireless devotion, will make your Eretz Yisroel experience unforgettable!
Rabbi Altman was born and raised in the NYC area. He attended University of Pennsylvania and then went to various Yeshivot and Kollelim in Eretz Yisrael, including Medresh Shmuel and Lakewood East. He now lives with his wife and children in Yerushalayim, and teaches in Pninim and a number of other yeshivot and seminaries.
His classes are always a surprise! He intertwines past, present and future and unveils the hidden diamonds of Torah.
Rabbi Yitzchak Feigenbaum has been educating adolescents and young adults for over forty years. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, he spent many years studying in Eretz Yisrael, and received his semichah from HaGaon HaRav Beinush Finkel, zt”l, Rosh Yeshivas Mir, Yerushalayim. Rabbi Feigenbaum was the first Mashgiach of Aish HaTorah in Yerushalayim when it was founded, and in 1978 cofounded Yeshivat Darche Noam/David Shapell College of Jewish Studies. During that time, he authored Understanding the Talmud — a Systematic Guide to Talmudic Logic and Methodology (Feldheim, 1987). In 1987, he and his family moved to Toronto, where he taught in a variety of high schools for both boys and girls, lectured for Aish HaTorah, Ohr Somayach, and NCSY, and served as the scholar in residence for schools and shuls across North America.
In September 2000, Rabbi Feigenbaum became the founding principal of Tiferes Bais Yaakov High School for girls. Besides serving as principal, he personally taught Chumash and his unique hashkafah course. Over the past two decades, he has mentored teachers and principals, served as an educational consultant for schools worldwide, counseled young people across the world, and lectured extensively in schools, shuls, and camps in North America, England, Eretz Yisrael, and the former Soviet Union.
Upon his retirement from Tiferes Bais Yaakov, Rabbi Feigenbaum has drawn on his extensive experience as a classroom teacher, principal, speaker, counselor, and mentor to create an innovative and all-encompassing Teachers Training Course, a Parenting Course, as well as his weekly two-minute parashah series, Instant Insights. His recently published The Feigenbaum Weekday Siddur (Mosaica Press) has enhanced the davening of teens of all ages. All these, as well as a plethora of his shiurim on a variety of topics, are available at his website:
www.rabbiyfeigenbaum.com. In addition, his podcast Instant Insight with Rabbi Feigenbaum is available on your favorite podcast app.
A spellbinding storyteller, you will be transfixed by his masterful weaving of Tanach episodes. You will feel like you are reliving history during his mesmerizing classes
Rabbi Meir B. Kahane is the menahel of Chedvas Bais Yaakov and a magid shiur at Yeshivas Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem. He is a popular lecturer on TorahAnytime.com and has been widely involved in every level of Jewish education for over two decades. Originally from Memphis, Tennessee, Rabbi Kahane is a dynamic and sought-after speaker. With a mix of deep machshava and meaningful messages, Rabbi Kahane appeals to a wide range of audiences from front line kiruv to Bais Yaakov. Besides Pninim, Rabbi Kahane teaches in a number of schools and has lectured in virtually every major institution in Jerusalem including Hebrew University. Rabbi Kahane has taught in the myriad of Aish HaTorah outreach programs including Fellowships programs, JEWEL, and FoundAISHons and has been a lecturer in Aish HaTorah’s Discovery Seminar for almost 20 years. He has been involved in curriculum development for Aish outreach and teacher training programs and lectures in kiruv training programs such as DestinAISHions, Ner L’Elef and AISHet. Rabbi Kahane is also the founder and director of the Ohr Batsheva learning program in Israel. He is on the rabbinical board of Tatzmichu, an organization which facilitates mental health care to the frum population. Rabbi Kahane earned his semicha from HaRav HaGaon Rav Moshe Meiselman shlit”a in Jerusalem and studied both under him and HaRav HaGaon Rav Simcha Maimon shlit”a. Rabbi Kahane has become known worldwide as a highly innovative educator and serves as educational consultant for a number of institutions in Israel. Rabbi Kahane lives in the Maalot Dafna neighborhood of Jerusalem with his wife and family.
His classes are always a surprise! He intertwines past, present and future and unveils the hidden diamonds of Torah.
Rabbi Reuven Lauffer is a graduate of the Rabbinical Seminary, Jerusalem. He lives in Yerushalayim and has taught for more than 30 years in Ohr Somayach. He is an editor and writer for Ohr Somayach’s popular weekly Torah magazine “Ohrnet,” and has answered tens of thousands of questions for both Ohr Somayach’s Ask the Rabbi and for Gateways Just Ask!. Rabbi Lauffer teaches at numerous seminaries in Jerusalem and is a very popular public speaker and educator.
Rabbi Lauffer teaches Sefer Hakuzari authored by Rabbi Yehudah haLevi. The goals of the course are to instill in the students the ability to deal with contemporary challenges to the Jewish faith and to deepen their understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of their Jewish heritage.
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Rabbi Don Perkal has been involved in education in Israel for decades. Rabbi Perkal serves as the Mashgiach Ruchani for Yeshivat Tiferet Jerusalem (“TJ”), and is known for his clear and thought-provoking classes and personal discussions. Rabbi Perkal teaches the Chayei Olam class in Pninim, a subject so important and relevant for today’s young minds.
Rabbi Menachem Salasnik was raised in London in a Rabbinic family. He went on to take a BSc in Optometry in Manchester University and later received Semicha from Rav Yitzchok Berkovits in The Jerusalem Kollel. Rabbi Salasnik was previously the Director of ‘Shevet’, the orthodox education track on FZY/Young Judaea Year Course, working with Jewish teenagers from a variety of backgrounds and levels of religious commitment.
He founded journeytobetterspeech.com – a site dedicated to improving the way we speak to and about each other, and he is the author of the weekly Journey To Better Speech parsha sheet exploring aspects of speech in the Parsha. He campaigns on this topic in Israel and England, speaking in Shuls, businesses and homes, and jointly runs the ‘Green Speech Campaign’, a worldwide Shemiras HaLashon program during the ‘three weeks’.
Separate to his work in Jewish education, Rabbi Salasnik is a specialist in Low Vision and Geriatric Optometry, flying to England regularly to work, where he helps to rehabilitate people who are losing their sight as a result of severe eye disease. He lives in Har Nof with his wife and children.
Rabbi Nachman Seltzer is the author of twenty seven books, including such classics as “The Network,” “The Link” and “The Shadows,” (fiction) – Child of War and Nine Out Of Ten, (biographies) – and the “It Could Have Been You,” series. He is also the author of the bestsellers, “48,” Inside Their Homes, Incredible! and the “Class Acts” series.
Rabbi Seltzer is a columnist for the International Hamodia Magazine, where his true life stories are beloved around the world. He is the producer of “Visions” – an album of all English songs, as well as co-producer of “The Story Experience,” and the groundbreaking film The Edge.
Rabbi Seltzer received his semicha from Rav Yitzchok Berkovitz at The Jerusalem Kollel. He teaches at various post-high-school programs for American students in Eretz Yisroel and is a popular international speaker addressing audiences from around the world.
Rabbi Baruch Schechter, hailing from Monsey, N.Y., studied in Yeshivat Sha’arei Mevaseret Tzion, and further continued his Torah Studies under Rav Chaim Ilson shlit’a, one of the foremost talmidim of Rav Soloveichik. He learned in kollel in Ramat Beit Shemesh for 15 years, receiving Semicha from Rav Elimelech Kornfeld. Rabbi Schechter has been giving shiurim for more than a decade and presently lectures in a number of Seminaries on an array of topics in Tanach, Halacha, and Machshevet Yisrael. Combining humor, life experience, and a vast knowledge of hashkafic and mussar sources, Rabbi Schechter’s classes inspire and entertain his students.
Rabbi Turner was born, raised and educated in the UK. He went through schooling in London followed by 5 years of Yeshiva studies in Manchester and 13 years in the revered Ponevezh Yeshiva and Kollel in Bnei Brak. As well as teaching in a number of Seminaries in Jerusalem, Rabbi Turner holds a Masters in Clinical Social Work and works as a professional therapist with a specific focus on Anglo-Saxon teens growing up in Israel.
Family Turner have been living on the Neve campus for a number of years with involvement, as a family, in a number of it’s institutions.
As well as the captivating classes on a variety of topics, Rabbi Turner leads the Pninim Poland trip. The trip that can be life changing, is guided with a unique blend of warmth, care and sensitivity together with simcha and song.
Rabbi Turner is a grandson of Chief Rabbi, Lord Immanuel & Lady Jakobovits and Chazzan Rev. Reuben Turner, giving him strong musical interest and a subtle proud British streak.
Rabbi “Y.Y.” Wenglin teaches Chasidut and Jewish Thought. Rav Wenglin’s ultra-high-energy delivery, deep familiarity with Western culture, creativity and self-effacing humor enable him to share and inspire with provocative, life-changing concepts in emunah, midot, and connecting to God. Rav Wenglin earned a BA in History and Literature at Harvard University and a JD at the UCLA School of Law, where he was a member of the Law Review — and a lead performer in the law school musical — all three years. After law school, Rabbi Wenglin joined the Manhattan law firm of Paul, Weiss as a corporate associate in mergers and acquisitions. But then he put all that on hold in order to learn more about his Jewish roots. He moved to Jerusalem, where he started taking introductory classes at Aish HaTorah, and the rest is history… Rabbi Wenglin teaches at yeshivot and seminaries and serves as a guest speaker for kiruv programs on campuses and communities all over. He and his family live in Ramat Beit Shemesh.
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I learned in Bnos Sara and then did kiruv for 10 years in Florida. Now I live with my husband and children in Har Nof.
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Mrs. Penina Gilbert grew up in Cincinnati, OH, where she quickly became a beloved teacher and mechaneches in the local girls high school. In 2018, Mrs. Gilbert made aliya with her family, and now teaches in multiple seminaries all over Yerushalayim. She brings passion and warmth, lots of energy, and even her guitar into her lessons to create a unique learning environment which nurtures in the girls a love of Torah and avodas Hashem.
Mrs. Gilbert teaches a hashkafa class called “Nos’im BaTorah” which covers various topics in Sefer Shemos.
Raised in LA in the valley.
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Her classes constantly brew excitement and will lend to riveting interaction.
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A woman brimming with Chovos Halevavos ideals, she teaches with a blend of joy, vigor and humility.
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Bio coming soon.
Originally from LA, Mrs. Chana Schuss went to BJJ for her year in seminary and then moved to Yerushalayim after marriage. She taught and tutored in high school and a few seminaries, including Meohr and Pninim. She loves teaching and giving over, and hearing each girl’s take on life and hashkafah. Mrs. Schuss enjoys deep hashkafa-based discussions to get to the truth of the matter, which plays a big part in her classes. She teaches Kivun, a curriculum that focuses on Jewish fundamentals.
Extracurricular supervisor.
For over 30 years of successful chinuch habanos, she has inspired numerous Talmidos to master authentic Yiddishkeit . Her vast knowledge, relevance and overflowing Ahavas Yisroel fuel the incredible energy. Her relentless dedication is aimed at raising students to higher and greater levels of success.
A renowned Mechaneches; her spirit, positivity and warmth are the dynamite powering the incredible energy at Binas. Like hundreds of students before you, you will be ready to build a beautiful home based on the solid Hashkafos you’ll absorb from her memorable Aishes Chayil classes.
Bio coming soon.
Mrs. Stahler grew up on Long Island, NY. She graduated from Touro College with a BA in Psychology. She has taught in various Kiruv schools and Seminaries. She is also a certified Life Coach. Mrs. Stahler teaches Iggeres Haramban and is honored to join the Pninim girls on their journey to Gadlus!!
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Sara Zaidoff, originally from Detroit, lives in Yerushalayim with her husband and children.She attended BJJ and Yavne teachers’ seminaries and has been teaching in seminaries for the past 17 years. Akeres Habayis explores the many roles and mitzvos of the Jewish woman. The goal of the course is to give students a deeper understanding and greater appreciation of their special qualities and tremendous potential to influence their families and the Jewish people. Discussions are relevant and engaging, covering topics such as: marriage, relationship and communication skills, self-development and self-awareness, modesty, hair-covering, motherhood, work-life balance, priorities, how women juggle competing roles, how to value your role when it is undervalued in the world, etc.
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Bio coming soon.
Bio coming soon.
Rabbi Yitzchok Jaeger, born in England, came to Eretz Yisroel to learn in yeshiva when he was 17. After almost 30 years of full time learning, he started teaching halacha in Yeshivas and Seminaries. Currently, he teaches in numerous seminaries. He has co-authored the popular Guidelines Halacha series of Sefarim, with over 25 volumes, and has a daily 2 minute halacha audio, with over 1,000 participants.
Rabbi Jaeger answers the students’ halacha questions, both in the classroom and out, and shares fascinating and informative answers to questions received from all over the world.
A devoted Mechaneches, her pre- Tefillah classes will open your expressions into Sefer Shearim BTfilla, inspire you, and help you look forward to any Tefillah you may need or wish for.
Leah Hasten, originally from Silver Spring, Maryland, initially came to Israel to study at Meor Teacher’s Seminary after high school, and has been living here ever since! She earned her BA in Liberal Arts and Computer Graphics while also attending the Maalot Zaidner Institute. While being involved in kiruv programming for Aish Hatorah Discovery, she began teaching in various Jerusalem seminaries, where she has taught Tanach, Machshava and Hashkafa for 14 years, sharing her passion for sincere Torah learning and living. Mrs. Hasten has been involved in Midreshet Tehillah in many capacities and loves not only to teach but to help student navigate their personal growth and some of the challenges along the way to self-discovery. Mrs. Hasten and her family currently live in Bayit Vegan, Jerusalem.
Bio coming soon.
Her classes radiate proactive Ratzon. You’ll gain a readiness to capture all of life’s opportunities.
Individual Mentorship
Pninim gives every student the opportunity to receive individual mentorship from the staff member(s) she connects with best
By getting to know our students over a long period of time, mentors are more equipped to address every Pninim student’s needs at their source. We answer questions fearlessly, and ultimately, welcome the kind of change that is bone deep and lasting.
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