Learning Program
The Learning Process
At Pninim, not only do we help every student progress in her growth, we ensure that she experiences it. How? Because we make it personal.
The ensuing result is a group of authentic neshei chayil who understand their Yiddishkeit, appreciate it and want to confidently pass it on to the next generation.
Learning Program
At Pninim, we offer stimulating classes with a range of subjects centered on hashkafa and machshava.
We weave learning from traditional texts on Chumash, Navi, Midrash and the Weekly Parshah with thought provoking ideas. We delve into topics you are already familiar with and teach them in a way that is barely touched upon in high school, and we provide a how-to on practical application in your daily lives.
Class Topics
- Megillos, Chumash, Tehillim, Pirkei Avos, Navi – all from a hashkafic and practical point of view
- Tefillah – connecting and appreciating
- Nifaos Haborei – exploring Hashem’s incredible world
- Simcha B’Avodah – making Yiddishkeit enjoyable
- Binyan Hachinuch – establishing the future of Klal Yisrae
- Ask the rabbi (Kuzari)
- And much much more!!